Monday, August 2, 2010

Entrepreneurs who did not finish schools.

Entrepreneurs who did not finish schools

Steve Jobs - Apple
Bill Gates - Microsoft
Michael Dell - Dell Computers
Henry Ford - Ford Motor Company
Richard Branson - Virgin
Kemmons Wilson - Holiday Inn Hotels
Jerry Yang - Yahoo
Mark Zuckerberg - Facebook
Mary Kay - Mary Kay Inc.
Russel Simmons - Def Jam Records
Ted Turner - CNN
J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter Empire
Colonel Harland Sanders - Kentucky Fried Chicken
John Mackey - Whole Foods
David Neeleman - JetBlue
John D. Rockefeller Sr. - Standard Oil
Ray Kroc - McDonalds
Ralph Lauren - Polo
Michael Lazaridis - Research in Motion Blackberry
Tom Anderson - MySpace
Walt Disney - DisneyLand
Tyra Banks - Bankable Productions
Larry Ellison - Oracle Corporation
Jay Van Andel - Amway
Cornelius vanderbilt - Railroad Magnate
Albert Einstein - Father of the Atomic Age
Thomas Edison - Genral Electric

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